Help! Where's my towel... Christian Schindler's blog.


Sad, but true...

I got my review board results... and I failed! That's very unfortunate! But only 2 peolpe out of 11 passed... Now I have to wait six months to go in front of the board again. In the meantime I can work to convert my weaknesses into strenghts...


Home sweet home!

Back from Seattle I enjoyed one week without any stress. But to be honest, after 6 Weeks of permanent stress it's hard to adapt to a life without it...strange, isn't it? BTW: The review board last friday was an "unpleasant" experience. Not that the people at the board were unpleasant. I just felt bad! When the board was over I was thinking "hey! that wasn't me...!". And I still have no result if I passed or not... :-( And waiting goes on...


And now apprentice!

Today I passed my Qualificaton Lab for the Architect Certification! Yipeee! I'm now an MCA-Messaging (Apprentice). Time passed by so fast, I can't belive it! Only one step left on the way to the Qualification - the Review Board on Friday...


I did it again!

Fourth Exam passed. Tomorrow next one...


Last, but hardest week

My last week at the ranger training starts tomorrow. And it will be the hardest week of all... 4(!) Tests! Written Tests on Monday/Tuesday, the Qual Lab on Wednesday and, finally, on the review board on Thursday! Man, this means: a lot of studying...